On going emotions in the human mind

Human mind is full of emotions and sometimes these emotions are capable to make an individual ill in such a way that individual will not be able to recover.When you're recovering from your illness doctor will suggest to to be happy and stress free it will help you to recover soon. Human emotions can do work on both side one is positive side and another one is negative side.

Image Source : spring.org

Positive side : positive emotions (i.e. happiness, or to do what makes you happy) will make you recover easily because it will create positivity near you and in you and along with this it will give you healthy lifestyle for today and for the better tomorrow too Negative side : negative emotions (sadness, pressure on mind, work load) can easily make you I'll because by these emotions you get I'll from mindset and it will not let you recover easily.

Image Source : growingself.com

Emotions have a good control on our body and mind our emotions will decide out environment and vibes near us. And that will make us ill and can make us healthy tooDoctor must advise patients who are suffering from heart disease and blood pressure problems to be happy and avoid the undergoing emotions to be over them. Be in emotions way and flow can lead you to better healthy lifestyle if you have positive vibe in your emotions. Stay Healthy :)


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