Mental health : A Concern

Not only physical health should always be good our mental health also be good in any manner. people get mental illness faster in compare of physical or internal illness. Mental illnesses basic reason is work load, deadlines. It will make individual thinking power weak and slightly make them weak from inside too. These problem take place from the work environment where individual have deadlines pressure of work, work load and all these stuff let the individual mentally sick. 

Image Source : joy dara ministries

For avoiding the mental sickness individual need to take care of their mind  and manage their work if their is a problem still relax and take work from cold mind and think what can you do with that problems. By taking pressure the problem won't be solved.In teenage individuals face peer pressure, i.e. betray with friends, ragging and all stuff that directly affect their mind in a bad way. To deal with that individual have to do Meditation session this will help them to release with that. 

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Mental illness causes are numerous but their treatment process are almost same for all. To keep yourself away from mental illness keep yourself in touch with meditation and other mental exercises. Stay healthy :)


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