Changing trends to treat the illness

The lifestyle diseases are found mainly in teens and middle aged people. Fatty Liver has Been increasing by and by . Despite increase in such diseases, majority of the people are still not aware of the risks and don’t undergo treatment on time. Fatty liver can progress into cirrhosis and Liver cancer, if not diagnosed and treated on time.another disease commonly found is irritable bowel syndrome. It has a direct relationship with stress which people have. People may have loose stools or increased frequency of motion after taking food or when they are about to travel or go to a function. It can be treated with medication and occasional counseling. 

Image Source : forbes india

For the most part, health is a fairly uncomplaining creature. It keeps us alive through all that we put it through, knowingly and unknowingly. When it does complain however, it has many voices, many diseases, many causes - some individual, some collective, some silent and some screaming out loud in pain.Insurance penetration and government spending on healthcare remains low and is unlikely to increase overnight causing continued shortage of resources and infrastructure.
The irony is we call it 'healthcare’. But how do we get to the care when 100 percent cure is not possible once many of these diseases are triggered? The answer lies in the name - Health CARE. Preventive, point-of-care, portable, accurate diagnostics and affordable effective treatment might be an answer to trigger this difficult trinity of access, quality and cost.Stay Healthy :)


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