Healthy foods according to today lifestyle 

Our changing lifestyle will surely affect our food as our routine demands long working hours with lots of stress because of that we aren't able to take our meal on time. And this will affect our health in a negative way it will cause weakness, Anemia, lack of vitamins etc. In our body. 
We have to take our meal on time so that we can cope up from our basic professional problems.
We are avoiding or skip our meal just because of our basic problems whether it's a mental  problem or a physical problem. But we won't understand that the skip of meal can affect our immune system and digestion system too. 

Image Source : HealthyWomen

That's the way our lifestyle is changing, to keeping it on track we have to take our meal on correct time.
The changing attitude of our lifestyle is because of our changing routine we are giving more importance to our problems rather than giving priority to our health. The basic reason of this change is different from age to age. People have different problems according to  their age they are teenage and adolescents problem is anxiety peer pressure etc this will let them distracted from their health and they start giving more importance to their problems rather than having proper meal or to talk someone about it. This will lead to bad health for them. 
When we keep our routine on track we will get health and our lifestyle will be in positive way. So  if you want your lifestyle to be on right track never skip your meal and changing lifestyle will lead you to healthy life. Stay healthy :)


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