Cooking techniques for the better health

Our cooking techniques are surely affect our health because what we eat that's how our body will work to manage it's work according to healthy living go. Add some stated techniques in your cooking strategies.

Image Source : the league of kitchens

Use oil mannerly : Olive oil has been found to have great health benefits but should be used only for stir-frying and pan-frying, and just a splash is needed. It is not recommended for deep-frying due to the large quantity required. Using non-stick cookware can help you to limit the use of oil when cooking curries.
Try Tandooris : Grilling, boiling, steaming is your regular taste instead of frying where possible. Tandoori grilling is the best form of cooking where minimal or no oil is used and the intense heat cooks the food quickly, sealing in all the nutrients.

Image Source : cooking shooking

Change your flour : Go for the wholemeal flour instead of plain flour when making chappatis or parathas and swap white rice to brown basmati.

Image Source : gretchen's vegan bakery

For the basic benefits : While products such as creams and milks have health benefits, but usually contains high quantity fat so go for tomato bases rather than creamy curries or use low-fat yogurt as a substitute.

So avoid frying and sauting your veggies too much and instead of that switch to these cooking methods.Stay Healthy :)


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