How Hormones Affect Our Health

You might think you control your own behaviour. Actually, much of the time, your hormones do. Even the tiniest swing in hormones, can have a dramatic impact on the body and affect your behaviour, metabolism, sleep, mood, immune system, puberty, sexual experience, and how you eat, grow, hate, love, and think.
Every cell has markers that direct hormone signals to precisely where they need to go, she says - but hormones rarely work alone, and a dip in the amount of one hormone interferes with other hormones in a domino effect.

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1. Obesity reduces testosterone

If you lose weight, you'll help boost your testosterone levels, the male sex hormone that plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissues such as the testes and prostate, as well as promoting increased muscle and bone mass, and the growth of body hair.

Image Source : sara gottfried

2. Hormones produced by being overweight make you eat more

You think the fat cell is just a blob of fat? Think again; it secretes hormones too, altering your drive to eat.

3. Progesterone can make you sad

Changing progesterone levels can contribute to abnormal menstrual periods and menopausal symptoms, and the hormone is also necessary for implantation of the fertilised egg in the uterus and for maintaining pregnancy.

Hope the above statements told you the link between hormones and your mood. Stay healthy :)


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