Dieting vs. Lifestyle Changes

Over the years, diets have become a trendy part of the health industry. From diets that promise to help you lose five pounds in three days to the ones that can lead to changes in your everyday life, there’s some good and some bad.

Yes, “bad diets” can lead to temporary weight loss but can lead to malnutrition as well. Most people deprive themselves of food that they would normally like to eat in their everyday life. The body then gets depraved of the foods they are used to and in turn, weight loss can occur. The problem with diets however, is that they have a timeline and when one is done dieting, most people resort back to what they were usually eating, which causes the weight to come back.
Diets are not all bad however; one just needs to be aware of the dietary restrictions that come along with the diet they are choosing. If the diet is low calorie, your hormones and metabolism could get out of whack because your body needs food in order to run properly and healthy. It’s important to eat the recommended amount of calories based on your age and level of exercise.
If the diet you are considering going on includes reasonable ranges of daily caloric intake, carbohydrates, protein and fat, then one can successfully lose weight and maintain it.

Image Source : patient md

Another way to approach weight loss is through making changes to one’s lifestyle overall. A lifestyle includes what you eat, how you manage stress, how much you exercise and more. Lifestyle changes require you to maintain a certain level of dieting and restricting say how much fast food and junk food you eat, etc., but there are not as many restrictions placed on it. If you succumb to temptation here and there, it’s not the end of the world but you are aware and might feel a little bit of quilt but are still aware of your actions without completely giving up. It’s very important to remember that moderation is the key to maintain a healthy lifestyle without depraving yourself of things you want to have every once in a while.

Most nutritionists suggest changing your lifestyle is more efficient and healthy rather than just dieting for a certain amount of time. A diet is a systematized, temporary lifestyle change whereas changing one’s lifestyle is an attempt to keep up similar habits for a prolonged period of time. When trying to choose between a diet or a full lifestyle change, do what works best for your personality, personal life, work life and or or anything that will give you the best chance of sticking to it. Both give you an opportunity to be healthier, feel better and help you towards your weight loss goals. Stay Healthy :)


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